
Monday, April 4, 2011

MT Lawmakers Profit From Farm Subsidies

First, I'll say I can't believe the state Capitol's newspaper actually published this! The newspaper, Helena IR, is VERY HIGHLY censored.

Now to the news.

The Policy Institute made a report "Profiles In Hypocrisy"
It looks at the amount of farm subsidies that have been given to the legislators, both Republican (30 legislators) and Democrat (3 legislators) from 1995-2009. The findings were typical.
Farms and ranches owned by Republicans received 98.8% of the subsidy money ($6,976,120.00) and those of Democrats received 1.2% ($79,499.00)
This fits with the current politics in Montana where Republicans voted for cuts to federal funding in programs that help the poorest Montanans, because the motto in Montana is, hard work and no hand outs. Of course this doesn't apply to ranchers. They work hard and have been here forever.  (200 years is as far back as their minds can handle, so it seems like forever.) The cuts included food, prescription drug, health care, and energy bill assistance. For example, Montana is the only state in the Union to reject $35 million federal funding to update health records. 

This is a new/old look at Montana politics. We'll see where the state is by next year.

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