
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Montana-One Soverign Nation Under God, Guns, and Stupidity

In 2008 Montana threatened to secede from the U.S. over interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Now, HB 381 would make it a crime to enforce federal firearms laws on firearms manufactured in the state. There are many more bills for nullification of federal law on things ranging from health care reform to food safety.

Republican Representative Denny Rehberg says, It's the idea that the states created the federal government, not the other way around. It's the idea that Washington has important responsibilities, but limited powers.

  • Senate Bill 161: Declares the federal health-reform laws unconstitutional and says Montana will not comply. Sponsored by Sen. Verdell Jackson, R-Kalispell.
  • House Bill 284: Forbids state employees from doing anything to implement the federal health-reform acts. Sponsored by Rep. Tom Burnett, R-Bozeman. Burnett says it's not nullification but, federalism bill that asserts the proper role between the states and the federal government.
  • HB321: Declares the federal Endangered Species Act unconstitutional and invalid in Montana. Sponsored by Rep. Krayton Kerns, R-Laurel.
  • HB382: Creates a legislative commission that reviews all federal laws for possibly nullification. If the commission decides a law should be nullified, the full Legislature will then vote whether to nullify it and declare that Montanans don’t have to comply. Sponsored by Rep. Derek Skees, R-Whitefish.
  • HB443: Declares any future federal food safety laws to be void in Montana, for any food grown, processed or sold within the state. Sponsored by Burnett.
  • HB448: Creates an interstate firearm freedom compact of states that have declared invalid the enforcement of federal firearms law for firearms manufactured in-state. Sponsored by Kerns
As long as Montana is a state within the United States of America, it has to comply with the laws of this country. If Montana chooses to secede, then so be it. It would be easier then trying to change the U.S. Constitution.

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